About Excalibur Asset Management AB
Excalibur Asset Management is a small, independent fund management company that manages the Excalibur Fixed Income hedge fund. Excalibur Fixed Income is an interest rate hedge fund with a focus on absolute returns regardless of market conditions. Launched in 2001, the fund managed to deliver a profit immediately, and it has subsequently grown organically over twenty years. The aim is to offer private savers and investors a stable return at the lowest possible risk. Excalibur consists of a small, well-informed, and qualified team where each employee's expertise is crucial to success.
Head Office
: Stockholm
: Johan Andersson
Significant events 2023
Increase in assets under management of ten percent since 2022.
Approaching the target of one billion Swedish kronor in assets under management.
Wins award for best fixed income fund in the Nordic region.
“We’re experienced, tried and tested and have lived through several business cycles. In this way, we’ve learnt how markets change over time and how to position ourselves.”

Thomas Pohjanen
CEO, Excalibur

SEK 13,5 M
Net Sales


The share of Excalibur's capital amounts to 40 percent and votes to 51 percent