Aros Kapital
About Aros Kapital AB
Since 2014 Aros Kapital has specialized in financing solutions, primarily for small and medium-sized enterprises in Northern Europe, with offices in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Örebro, Oslo and London. Today, Aros Kapital’s business is mainly based on corporate loans and real estate financing. The company offers SMEs different types of loans to expand, invest, reorganize or address temporary difficulties. Small businesses are offered EU-supported loans on favorable terms, with lower personal guarantee requirements and more favorable interest rates. The loans are often a prerequisite for continuing business operations. The corporate offer also includes factoring and leasing.
Head Office
: Göteborg
: Pål Ryfors
Significant events 2023
Focused its offering on corporate and real estate financing.
Pål Ryfors appointed new Chairman of the Board.
Mellby Gård increases its ownership to almost 50 percent.
“We can see huge potential for growth, as we’re small compared to the big banks. We have an important role to play in business and society. There will be a greater need for different types of financing, other than from the major banks, to guarantee continued growth and development.”

Erik Berfenhag
Interim CEO, Aros Kapital

SEK 763 M
Net Sales


The share of Aros Kapital amounts to 47,49 percent and votes to 48,43 percent